Welcome to my little online shop of turned wood. All the products you see here are either available for sale or displayed for reference purposes. If you see something you like, but it has been sold already, don’t hesitate to contact me. Although all my items are unique, usually I will be able to create another, similar one, and until you have seen it there is no obligation to buy it.
At the moment I do not have an online payment processing option in place. If you would like to buy an item, use the contact form to get in touch, refer to the item number, and we’ll arrange all details offline.
All prices are in pounds (GBP), and they exclude any taxes or delivery costs. I am happy to ship worldwide, but this may require some time to get the shipping sorted. Shipping costs on product listings are indicative only, I will always charge shipping at cost, which will include adequate packaging.
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This category holds items that have no functional purpose, they are meant as decorative items only.

Bowls cover all items that contain a central indentation, and have a diameter that is greater than the height of the item (usually by quite a bit).

Boxes are essentially things with an empty space inside and a lid on top. They do come in all sorts of shapes, and some are more functional than others.

These are essentially all forms where the inside is hollowed out, but the opening (usually at the top) is too small to allow complete visibility of the inside.
I am sure we read somewhere that you were exhibiting/selling at the Red House Glass Cone in Wordsley this month. However I didn’t make a note of the date and I can’t seem to find a reference to it either on your website or that of the Cone.